How do I add new users to my school's Maths300 account?
Watch a video here
How do I delete users from my school's Maths300 account?
Watch a video here
How do I search for resources?
To search using AC9.0, VC2.0 or NSW curriculum codes: Watch a video here
To search by year level, pedagogy or keywords: Watch a video here
How can I utilise the lesson's associated software?
Watch a video here
How can I save my favourite lessons for easy access in future?
Watch a video here
Where can I access past Maths300 newsletters?
Maths300 newsletter is an initiative to keep our users up to date with what’s happening with Maths300.
Our goal is to help you support your students to learn through inquiry, to collaborate and most of all to think like mathematicians, whilst keeping an eye on the curriculum changes happening around the country.
Once a term we send our subscribers a newsletter that highlights the best of Maths300 including resources and community news.
Click to download the newsletter editions.
2024 Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Summer Edition Term 4
2025 Term 1